Baby care

Baby Care is the most sensitive and delicate segment within the personal care space.

Mild – sulfate free, natural, non-toxic, preservatives and minerals free are the buzz words dominating this industry today. One of the fastest growing legs within the beauty and personal care space, baby care as an industry runs high on trust and reliability. Consumers want reliable products, and customers are looking for more innovative and dependable personal care ingredient manufacturers

Galaxy, through its continual innovation, expertise and experience, has over the last decade developed ingredients which are not only gentle to the skin but also sulfate free, preservatives free, natural and minerals free.

These customised solutions (powder/liquid/flakes/granules/needles) find application across segments and formulations (top-to-toe) within the baby care space. Our ingredients are designed to give your products that very edge. Our basket of products comprises of a broad range of amino acid based mild surfactants like glycinates, isethionates, glutamates, taurates and sarcosinates. Our latest innovation ‘GLI 21’ – is a patented molecule and a unique green ultra-mild amino acid surfactant that exploits the synergy of two of the mildest surfactants. It is manufactured by Galaxy’s patented green process and meets all the attributes of a mild cleanser finding application across categories.

Value centric customised solutions which are environment friendly and innovative, necessary technical support, scalability and reach across geographies is what the customers seek today. Galaxy, through its product portfolio, in-house innovation and application expertise and robust supply chain, is fully equipped to deliver value and ensure all our customers win.

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